
Kemana WALHI Bali? Peralihan Fungsi Lahan Tak Terkendali di Bali

Denpasar, – Sikap tebang pilih penggiat lingkungan di Bali menjadi sorotan berbagai elemen masyarakat. Kali ini, dari Komunitas atau LSM Surya Majapahit, Nyoman Iwan Pranajaya mengkritisi sikap WALHI (Wahana Lingkungan Hidup) Perwakilan Bali yang sering tebang pilih melakukan aksi yang dikatakan untuk penyelamatan lingkungan. Wakil Ketua PHDI Bali Bidang Kearifan Lokal itu, juga mempertanyakan peran WALHI yang sebenarnya terkait banyaknya alih fungsi lahan yang “menggila” di Bali, karena nyaris lenyap dari pergerakan WALHI Bali. “WAHLI harus dipertanyakan perannya terhadap berbagai perubahan fungsi lahan,” beber Iwan sapaan akrabnya itu, di Denpasar belum lama ini, seraya berharap lebih banyak media dan elemen masyarakat yang berani menyoroti sikap abu-abu WALHI yang mengaku sebagai penggiat lingkungan ini. “Semoga makin banyak yang menuntut keadilan sikap WALHI. Sehingga reaksi mereka tidak tebang pilih,” imbuhnya.

Di sisi lain, disadari makin banyak alih fungsi lahan yang tidak pernah terdengar diselamatkan oleh WALHI Bali. Padahal soal penyelamatan lingkungan juga berkaitan erat dengan dampak alih fungsi lahan yang makin tak terkendali di Bali. “Begitu banyak peralihan fungsi lahan di Bali yang justru menyebabkan banjir, longsor dan sebagainya. Kemana WALHI? Peralihan fungsi lahan oleh masyarakat di hulu sungai Jembrana, kenapa WALHI tidak mendampingi dan memberi sosialisasi kepada masyarakat?,” beber Iwan sapaan akrabnya itu, sembari menyentil juga banyak akomodasi wisata di Bali yang lepas dari sorotan para penggiat lingkungan, karena cenderung menyejar mega proyek yang seakan-akan ditolak oleh masyarakat. Selain itu, banyak galian C ilegal yang marak di Bali, termasuk di daerah Gunaksa, Klungkung yang menjadi kampung kelahiran Direktur Eksekutif WALHI Bali. “Hotel dan restoran yang menempati sempadan sungai, pantai, jurang di semua area di Bali, kemanakah WALHI?,” sentilnya lagi.

Sebelumnya diketahui, niat Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Eksekutif Daerah Bali (Walhi Bali) yang tetap ngotot meminta dokumen informasi publik terkait Terminal khusus Lequfied Natural Gas (LNG) yang akan dibangun di kawasan mangrove Taman Hutan Raya (Tahura) Ngurah Rai di Desa Sidakarya, Denpasar Selatan, Denpasar menjadi tanda tanya besar banyak pihak. Apalagi sampai terjadi sengketa informasi melalui sidang tahap awal pemeriksaan hukum yang melibatkan Walhi Bali sebagai pemohon informasi publik dengan PT Dewata Energi Bersih (DEB) selaku termohon di Kantor Komisi Informasi Bali, di Jalan Cok Agung Tresna, Renon, Denpasar, Jumat (2/12/2022).

Sikap Walhi Bali itu, dinilai sangat tidak wajar dan mengada-ngada, karena selama ini selalu tebang pilih menyoroti kasus lingkungan yang cenderung menyeret proyek-proyek tertentu di Bali. Hal itu ditegaskan oleh Pembina Yayasan Bakti Pertiwi Jati (YBPJ), Komang Gede Subudi yang aktif dan khusus di bidang Pelestarian Situs Ritus mengaku sangat menyesalkan sikap Walhi Bali yang selama ini tidak konsisten sebagai penggiat lingkungan dan selalu tebang pilih kasus. “Walhi ngotot minta dokumen Tersus LNG terasa sangat mengada-ada. Walhi pernah tidak blusukan melakukan pendampingan dan edukasi ke Jembrana, agar banjir bandang tidak berulang-ulang?,” sentil Dewan Pertimbangan KADIN Bali itu, kepada awak media di Denpasar, Minggu (4/12/2022).

Ketua Umum dan Pendiri Badan Independen Pemantau Pembangunan dan Lingkungan Hidup (BIPPLH) itu, juga menyentil Walhi Bali yang kurang memberi edukasi dan hanya menggiring masyarakat, khususnya desa adat di Bali untuk melakukan pengerahan massa besar-besaran untuk berdemo, sehingga disinyalir sebagai upaya terselubung untuk mendapat keuntungan dibalik aksi unjuk rasa tersebut. “Penggiat lingkungan harus lebih banyak pendampingan dan edukasinya kepada masyarakat. Kritis kepada pemerintah, kelompok, pengusaha alih fungsi lahan dan kepada siapapun perusak lingkungan itu wajib, tapi jangan tebang pilih,” beber Jro Gede Subudi yang juga Ketua dan Pendiri Yayasan Bumi Bali Bagus (YBBB) ini, seraya menyoroti masih banyak pelanggaran lingkungan yang sudah nyata dan di depan mata, bahkan bisa dilihat dengan mata telanjang namun tidak disentuh oleh Walhi Bali.

Menurutnya sangat janggal, karena oknum Walhi sebagai penggiat lingkungan dan mengatasnamakan organisasi besar yang berjuang menyelamatkan lingkungan, namun tidak pernah muncul batang hidungnya ketika pelanggaran lingkungan sudah marak terjadi. “Masih banyak tebing, jurang, bukit dan pinggir hutan dirusak oleh oknum. Kegiatan tambang ilegal, alih fungsi lahan produktif masih marak di lapangan, tapi tim kami tidak pernah ketemu dengan penggiat lingkungan Walhi. Tapi di media kita sering baca statementnya,” ungkap salah satu pimpinan penekun spiritual dan kerohanian nusantara yang juga Presiden Direktur PT Payogan Multi Nasional tersebut, sembari berharap kepada seluruh penggiat lingkungan, khususnya yang bergerak di Bali, agar bisa bekerja profesional dan mengedepankan komunikasi untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan di Bali.

“Kami berharap Walhi dan semua penggiat lingkungan yang ada di Bali, mari kita jaga kelestarian lingkungan Bali ini dengan mengedepankan komunikasi aktif dengan semua pihak, tanpa harus langsung saling menyalahkan. Perbanyak menurunkan anggota ke lapangan untuk melakukan pendampingan dan edukasi,” tutupnya. Sebelumnya diketahui, sidang tahap awal pemeriksaan hukum yang melibatkan Walhi Bali sebagai pemohon informasi publik dengan PT Dewata Energi Bersih (DEB) selaku termohon di Kantor Komisi Informasi Bali, di Jalan Cok Agung Tresna, Renon, Denpasar, Jumat (2/12/2022), dihadiri panitera pengganti I Gede Wira Gunarta, S.Sos., Ketua Sidang Dewa Nyoman Suardana, S.Ag., Anggota Luh Candrawati Sari, SH., MH., dan Dr. Drs. I Wayan Darma, M.Si.

Usai sidang, Direktur Eksekutif WALHI Bali, Made Krisna Dinata, S.Pd., alias Bokis mengaku memiliki keterbatasan, ketika ditanya terkait proyek reklamasi Pelindo dengan mata telajang sudah jelas diketahui sangat banyak menerabas hutan mangrove. Ia berkata sudah ikut berteriak, bahkan Gubernur Bali pun turut angkat bicara dan membuat konfrensi pers. WALHI Bali di kala itu, juga bersengketa informasi dengan Pelindo yang melakukan reklamasi, sehingga 17 hektar hutan mangrove mati. “Jadi kan tidak serta merta dilimpahkan LSM (WALHI, red) yang memiliki keterbatasan ini. Di mana alam Bali ini merupakan tanggung jawab bersama terlebih lagi pemerintah, dan pemerintah bagaimana melihat hal tersebut? Pemerintah juga dalam bekerja dibiayai oleh pajak dan banyak sumber daya, seharusnya pertanyaan ini ditanya ke Gubernur Bali,” sentilnya.

Hal itu dikatakan Sarjana Pendidikan Agama Hindu IHDN Denpasar ini, usai mengikuti Sidang Penyelesaian Sengketa Informasi Publik yang digelar oleh Komisi Informasi Publik (KIP) Provinsi Bali dengan Pemohon WALHI (Wahana Lingkungan Hidup) Bali di Kantor KIP Bali, pada Jumat (2/12/2022). Lebih lanjut aktivis lingkungan asal Banjar Cempaka, Desa Pikat, Kecamatan Dawan, Klungkung ini, juga menangggapi terkait statemen Gubernur Bali yang mengatakan tidak akan memakai lahan mangrove untuk Tersus LNG. “WALHI meminta langkah apa yang dilakukan pemerintah selama ini?,” ujarnya, seraya mengaku ingin meminta dokumen tersebut untuk memastikan memang benar Tersus tersebut tidak dibangun di atas areal manggrove, karena sekarang summarynya masih di mangrove.

Di sisi lain, Kuasa Hukum PT DEB Dr. Hendri Jayadi Pandiangan, SH., MH., selaku Termohon menyatakan bahwa dokumen feasibility study (FS) atau study kelayakan merupakan dokumen yang bersifat privat dan tidak untuk dikonsumsi publik. Walhi dia sebut tidak saja intens mengirimkan surat ke PT DEB, tetapi ke instansi atau dinas terkait lainnya. “FS kami sudah punya, tapi tidak bisa menyerahkan kepada siapapun. Namun, bila kawan-kawan Walhi mau datang ke kami, ingin melihat dan mempelajari boleh, kami terbuka. Sebab pada prinsipnya kami akan berbisnis di sini, tapi kalau ingin dimiliki (FS) atau di foto copy mohon maaf, ngak boleh,” kata Hendri, seraya mengungkapkan PT DEB merupakan perusahaan privat dan bukan tergolong perusahaan publik, sehingga dokumen diminta dinilai adalah miliki pribadi dan tidak dapat dikonsumsi publik secara hukum.

“Bukan kami tidak menanggapi, tetapi dokumen yang diminta Walhi menurut kami adalah dokumen yang bersifat privat. Secara tegas saya katakan tidak ada anggaran daerah yang digunakan dalam pendirian PT DEB,” tegasnya. Di sisi lain, Kuasa Hukum Walhi Bali Made Juli Untung Pratama, SH., M.Kn., menambahkan bahwa informasi yang diminta Walhi Bali berupa FS atau studi kelayakan. “Walhi meminta informasi FS atau studi kelayakan terkait pembangunan terminal LNG atau studi kelayakan pembangunan terminal LNG di kawasan mangrove (Sidakarya),” katanya. Sementara itu, Direktur Eksekutif Walhi Bali Made Krisna Dinata menilai tanggapan atas dugaan penyerangan terhadap PT DEB, dinilai Walhi sebagai jawaban mereka atas sosialisasi di Desa Intaran, Sanur.

Walhi juga mengklaim telah mengirimkan surat per 11 Agustus 2022 untuk permohonan informasi publik meminta FS, lalu kembali disusul surat 15 Agustus 2022. “Kita ini adalah Wahana Lingkungan Hidup selaku pemerhati lingkungan hidup, kan begitu. Nah, kita dari 2011 sudah aktif melakukan advokasi terhadap mangrove Tahura Ngurah Rai. Apa yang kami lakukan terhadap respon kami terhadap pembangunan terminal LNG di kawasan mangrove, itu adalah benar-benar memastikan agar mangrove itu tidak diterabas. Karena dalam Summary yang kita temukan saat PT DEB per 26 Mei 2022 bersosialisasi di Desa Intaran, Sanur, pembangunannya akan menerabas 14,5 Ha mangrove dan juga pengerukan sedalam 15 meter dan seluar 40-an Ha,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Sidang Dewa Suardana menilai sidang ditunda dan masih berjalan berikutnya. Sejumlah permohonan juga telah dicek sebelum persidangan ini berjalan. “Pemeriksaan di awal, kami dari Komisi Informasi adalah menentukan kedudukan hukum dari para pihak, termasuk alat bukti yang belum disiapkan dan sudah diminta majelis. Sidang masih tahap pemeriksaan awal,” tandasnya. 5412/jmg

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  381. In the heat of Goodyear, Arizona, having a reliable HVAC system
    is essential for maintaining comfort and health.
    William’s Air Conditioning & Heating, a trusted HVAC contractor, provides vital services to
    ensure that homes and businesses stay cool and comfortable.
    Serving neighborhoods like Amber Meadows and Estrella Crossroads, William’s Air Conditioning & Heating offers
    expert air conditioning repair, heating installation, and comprehensive
    HVAC maintenance. These services are crucial in Goodyear, where the desert climate can lead to extreme temperatures, making it imperative
    for residents to have efficient heating and cooling systems.

    Located in Goodyear, William’s Air Conditioning & Heating operates in a
    city founded in 1946. With a population of 105,406 as of
    2022 and 31,356 households, Goodyear is a rapidly growing community.

    The city is well-connected by I-10, a major highway that facilitates easy access to various parts
    of the city and beyond. An interesting fact about Goodyear is
    that it was named after the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, which cultivated cotton in the area to use
    for tire cords. This historical connection highlights
    the city’s industrial roots and its evolution into a thriving suburban community.

    HVAC repair costs in Goodyear can vary depending on the extent of the work required.

    Simple air conditioning repairs might cost a
    few hundred dollars, while more complex HVAC system upgrades or installations can range
    into the thousands. The city’s climate is characterized by extremely hot summers,
    with temperatures often exceeding 110°F, and mild winters, with average
    lows in the 40s. These temperature extremes necessitate reliable HVAC systems to ensure indoor comfort and safety.
    Regular maintenance and timely repairs are essential to prevent breakdowns during peak usage periods, especially in the scorching summer months.

    Goodyear is home to numerous points of interest that offer a variety of recreational activities for residents and visitors.
    Bullard Wash Park is a beautiful green space perfect for picnics
    and outdoor activities. Estrella Mountain Regional Park
    offers hiking, biking, and equestrian trails set against the backdrop of stunning
    desert scenery. The Estrella Star Tower provides breathtaking views
    of the surrounding landscape, particularly at sunset.

    Friendship Park is a family-friendly destination with playgrounds and sports facilities.
    The Goodyear Community Park features a splash pad, skate park,
    and sports courts, making it a popular spot for families.

    Choosing William’s Air Conditioning & Heating for HVAC services in Goodyear is a smart decision for residents seeking reliable and efficient
    solutions. The company offers a comprehensive range of services, including HVAC diagnostics, energy-efficient HVAC system upgrades,
    and emergency HVAC service. With a focus on customer satisfaction and
    high-quality workmanship, William’s Air Conditioning & Heating ensures that all heating and cooling needs
    are met promptly and professionally. For those living in Goodyear, selecting William’s Air Conditioning &
    Heating guarantees comfort and peace of mind throughout the year.

    In Goodyear, Arizona, efficient HVAC services are a necessity due to the city’s harsh
    climate. William’s Air Conditioning & Heating stands out as
    a premier HVAC contractor, offering essential services to keep homes and
    businesses comfortable. Serving neighborhoods like Aldea and Coronado Village At Estrella Mountain Ranch, William’s Air Conditioning & Heating specializes in air conditioning repair, heating
    installation, and thorough HVAC maintenance. These services are vital in a city known for its extreme temperature
    variations, ensuring that residents can enjoy a comfortable
    indoor environment regardless of the weather outside.

    William’s Air Conditioning & Heating is based in Goodyear, a city founded in 1946
    that has grown into a thriving community. With a population of 105,406 and 31,
    356 households, Goodyear is a dynamic city with a rich history.
    The city is intersected by I-10, a major highway that enhances connectivity
    and accessibility. An interesting fact about
    Goodyear is its rapid transformation from an agricultural hub,
    associated with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, into a bustling suburban city known for its quality of life and recreational opportunities.

    The cost of HVAC repairs in Goodyear can range widely depending on the type of service required.
    Minor repairs may cost a few hundred dollars, while more extensive system upgrades or installations can run into the thousands.
    The city’s climate, with summer temperatures often exceeding 110°F and mild
    winters with average lows in the 40s, makes efficient HVAC systems
    essential. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs
    are necessary to ensure systems operate efficiently,
    particularly during the hottest months when demand is

    Goodyear offers a variety of points of interest that cater
    to a wide range of preferences. The Estrella Mountain Regional
    Park is a favorite for outdoor enthusiasts, offering trails for hiking, biking, and horseback riding.
    The Estrella Star Tower provides stunning views of the desert landscape.
    Friendship Park is a popular family destination with playgrounds and
    sports fields. The Goodyear Community Park features amenities like a splash
    pad and skate park. The Wildlife World Zoo, Aquarium & Safari Park is an exciting destination for animal lovers, showcasing
    a wide array of wildlife and marine life.

    Opting for William’s Air Conditioning & Heating for HVAC services in Goodyear is a wise choice for anyone looking to maintain comfort and efficiency in their home
    or business. The company provides a full range of services,
    including HVAC diagnostics, energy-efficient upgrades, and emergency repairs.
    William’s Air Conditioning & Heating’s commitment to quality and customer
    satisfaction ensures that all heating and cooling needs are
    met with professionalism and expertise. For residents of Goodyear, choosing William’s
    Air Conditioning & Heating means enjoying reliable HVAC solutions that
    keep their indoor environment comfortable year-round.

    In the intense heat of Goodyear, Arizona, having a dependable HVAC system is essential.
    William’s Air Conditioning & Heating is a leading HVAC contractor,
    providing critical services to maintain comfortable living and
    working environments. Serving neighborhoods such as Baldridge Commons and Cottonflower, William’s Air Conditioning & Heating offers expert air conditioning repair, heating installation, and comprehensive HVAC maintenance.
    These services are vital in a city with extreme temperature fluctuations,
    ensuring that residents can enjoy a comfortable
    indoor climate year-round.

    Located in Goodyear, William’s Air Conditioning & Heating operates in a city that was founded in 1946
    and has since grown into a significant urban area. With a
    population of 105,406 and 31,356 households, Goodyear is a rapidly expanding community.
    The city is well-served by I-10, a major highway that provides easy access to various neighborhoods and surrounding areas.

    One interesting fact about Goodyear is its historical connection to the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company,
    which played a significant role in the city’s development by growing cotton for tire production.

    HVAC repair costs in Goodyear can vary significantly.
    Basic air conditioning repairs might cost a few hundred dollars, while extensive system overhauls can run into the thousands.

    The city’s climate, featuring scorching summers with temperatures often exceeding 110°F and mild winters with lows
    in the 40s, makes reliable HVAC systems indispensable.
    Regular maintenance and timely repairs are crucial to avoid system failures during the peak
    summer months.

    Goodyear boasts numerous points of interest that appeal to a wide range of visitors.
    The Bullard Wash Park is a beautiful area for outdoor activities and relaxation. The Estrella
    Mountain Regional Park offers diverse recreational opportunities, including hiking and biking trails.
    The Estrella Star Tower is known for its breathtaking views.
    Friendship Park is a family-friendly area with numerous amenities.
    The Goodyear Community Park is another popular spot, featuring a
    splash pad and various sports facilities.

    Choosing William’s Air Conditioning & Heating for HVAC services in Goodyear
    is a smart move for anyone looking to ensure comfort and efficiency.
    The company offers a comprehensive range of services, including HVAC diagnostics, energy-efficient system upgrades, and emergency repairs.
    William’s Air Conditioning & Heating’s dedication to quality and customer satisfaction guarantees that all
    heating and cooling needs are met promptly and
    professionally. For residents of Goodyear, William’s Air Conditioning & Heating is the best
    choice for reliable and effective HVAC solutions.

    For those living in the sweltering climate of Goodyear,
    Arizona, reliable HVAC services are a must.
    William’s Air Conditioning & Heating excels as a premier HVAC contractor, offering essential services to keep homes and businesses cool and comfortable.
    Serving neighborhoods like Bella Rosa At Canyon Trails and City Center,
    William’s Air Conditioning & Heating provides expert air conditioning repair, heating installation, and comprehensive HVAC maintenance.
    These services are crucial in a city known for its extreme temperatures, ensuring residents can maintain a comfortable
    indoor environment regardless of the weather.

    Based in Goodyear, William’s Air Conditioning & Heating operates in a city with a rich history, having been founded in 1946.

    Today, Goodyear is a major urban center with a
    population of 105,406 and 31,356 households. The city is traversed by I-10, a major highway
    that connects various neighborhoods and facilitates easy travel.
    An interesting fact about Goodyear is its evolution from a small agricultural community,
    named after the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, into a dynamic city known for its cultural
    diversity and rapid growth.

    The cost of HVAC repairs in Goodyear can range widely depending on the type
    of service required. Minor repairs may cost a few hundred dollars,
    while more extensive system upgrades or installations can run into the thousands.
    The city’s climate, with summer temperatures often exceeding 110°F and mild winters with average lows in the 40s, makes efficient HVAC systems essential.
    Regular maintenance and prompt repairs are necessary to ensure systems operate efficiently, particularly during the
    hottest months when demand is highest.

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    Salam! Nasihat yang sangat berguna dalam artikel ini!
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  1735. 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트
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    카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트
    카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트

  1736. 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트
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    카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트
    카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트
    카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트

  1737. 파워볼 파워볼
    게임 파워볼 사이트 파워볼 분석 파워볼 추천 파워볼
    조작 파워볼 무료 파워볼 예측 파워볼 전략 파워볼 통계 파워볼 번호 조합 추천 파워볼 결과 확인 방법

  1738. Today, I went to the beachfront with my kids. I found
    a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to
    her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched
    her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic but I had to
    tell someone!

  1739. Hey! Someone in my Facebook group shared this website with us so I came to check it out.
    I’m definitely enjoying the information. I’m bookmarking and will be tweeting this to my followers!

    Great blog and excellent design and style.

  1740. 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트
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    카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트
    카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트 카지노사이트

  1741. You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be actually something that
    I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and extremely broad
    for me. I’m looking forward for your next post, I’ll try
    to get the hang of it!

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    Уникальным преимуществом CapCut является обширная коллекция встроенных заготовок, которые помогают даже неопытным пользователям создавать эффектные видео в короткие сроки.
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  1743. Hey are using WordPress for your blog platform?

    I’m new to the blog world but I’m trying to get started
    and set up my own. Do you require any coding expertise to make
    your own blog? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  1744. Hi superb website! Does running a blog similar to this take a lot of work?
    I have absolutely no understanding of coding but I was hoping
    to start my own blog in the near future. Anyways, if you have any ideas or tips for new blog owners
    please share. I know this is off topic nevertheless
    I simply wanted to ask. Cheers!

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  1746. 와! 정말 놀랍고 도움이 되는 게시물이네요. 정말 정말 좋아요. 너무 좋고 굉장해요. 정말 놀랍네요. 앞으로도 이런 식으로 계속 일해 주셨으면 좋겠어요.

  1747. Good day! This is my 1st comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and say
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