Indonesia Mengecam Penistaan Agama Islam di Dunia

Indonesia mengecam pernyataan Presiden Perancis yang menghina agama Islam di dunia.
Pernyataan tersebut telah melukai perasaan lebih dari 2 Milyar orang muslim di seluruh dunia dan telah memecah persatuan antar umat beragama di dunia.
Hak kebebasan berekspresi tidak dilakukan dengan mencederai kehormatan, kesucian dan kesakralan nilai dan simbol agama.
Sebagai negara demokrasi ketiga terbesar dan berpenduduk muslim terbesar di dunia, Indonesia mengajak seluruh negara untuk mendorong persatuan dan toleransi antar umat beragama, terutama ditengah situasi Pandemi Covid-19 saat ini.
Kementerian Luar Negeri RI mengatakan
“Indonesia Condemns the Defamation of Islam in world
Indonesia condemns the statements made by the President of France that is disrespectful towards Islam and the Muslim community world-wide. The statement has offended over 2 billion Muslims globally and has sparked division among different faiths in the world.
Freedom of expression should not be exercised in ways that tarnish the honor, sanctity and sacredness of religious values and symbols.
As the largest Muslim-populated country and the third largest democracy in the world, Indonesia urges the global community to put forward unity and religious tolerance, particularly amidst the on-going pandemic.